Sunrise Beach Bylaw Listing

Copyright and Permission Statement

The Summer Village of Sunrise Beach holds copyright to all Summer Village of Sunrise Beach Bylaws.  No person may reproduce bylaws for any purpose other than personal use without consent from the Summer Village of Sunrise Beach.  Official bylaws, available from the municipal office, must be consulted for purposes of interpreting and applying the law.


If you would like a copy of a signed bylaw, please contact the administration office at 780-967-0271.


26-1990 Speed Limits Bylaw 

69-1999 Noise Bylaw

70-1999 Garbage Bylaw

71-1999 Land Use Bylaw (see amendments below)

              Amendment 89-2003

              Amendment 91-2004

              Amendment 114-2008

              Amendment 120-2009

74-1999 FOIPP Bylaw

81-2000 Private Sewage Bylaw

95-2004 Firearms Bylaw

97-2004 Development Authority Bylaw (Designated Officer)

101-2005 Subdivision Fees Bylaw

106-2006 Parking Bylaw

109-2007 Electrical Franchise Agreement Bylaw

113-2008 Regional Water Services Commission Bylaw

116-2009 Off Highway Vehicle Bylaw

119-2009 Nuisance, Unsightly Bylaw

123-2010 Tax Payment Plan Bylaw

130-2013 Visa Borrowing Bylaw

142-2018 Animal Control Bylaw

145-2018 Assessor Appointment Bylaw (Designated Officer)

146-2018 Planning and Subdivision Authority Bylaw (Designated Officer)

148-2019 Subdivision and Development Appeal Board Bylaw

150-2019 Fortis Electrical Distribution Services Boundaries Bylaw

156-2019 Establish Position of CAO

157-2019 Establish Position Of Designated Officer

160-2020 Bylaw Officer Bylaw

166-2020 Municipal Development Plan

167-2021 Appoint Review Board Clerk (Designated Officer)

168-2021 Assessment Review Board

170-2021 Penalties on Unpaid Taxes

171-2021 Fire Bylaw

172-2021 Assessor Appointment Bylaw

174-2021 Rescind Use of Fireworks Bylaw

180-2023 Credit Card Borrowing Bylaw

182-2023 Assessor Appointing

183-2023 Plan Cancellation Bylaw

185-2023 Property Assessment Classification Bylaw

187-2023 Cancelling a Portion of Plan 3703 R.S.

188-2023 Designated Officer, Appoint Assessment Review Board Clerk

191-2023 Fees and Charges

192-2023 Borrowing Bylaw 

193-2024 Emergency Advisory Committee & Regional Management Agency Bylaw

195-2024 Council and Committee Procedural Bylaw

196-2024 2024 Tax Rate Bylaw

197-2024 Plan Cancellation Bylaw